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Are You Experiencing Reverse Culture Shock?

Things I noticed about this less talked about side effect of travel. Yes. We are. Re-entry. It feels like living on another planet in another time. Truly. Especially when you first get home. Everything is different, everything is weird. Your time is thrown off and you’re not sure what is happening. I know it sounds crazy, but everything really is different: the air, your skin, your bed, your friends and family, hell, even the sunlight feels slightly off. It’s not just jetlag, because you’ve had that before and it was never like this. Unlike jetlag, this feeling lasts for a while, at least. Slowly things start becoming more... ‘normal’ but this could last days, weeks, months or years and it’s hard, it actually is. I’ve not lived in a third world country or even abroad for more than a year, but I did spend seven months living in a tiny village in Spain and my return hit me harder than I anticipated, a lot harder. So here are some things I’ve learned about rever

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